Northern Alberta Fishing & Conditions Report

Conditions Report:

Tyler Standing on Ice Jigging for Fish

The last couple of weeks, the weather has been warming up quickly, and the snowpack is starting to melt on top of the ice. The morning ice condition is still easy going on most travel routes as the nighttime temps are still below zero. However, by midday, the water is definitely starting to pool in the low spots. The long-term forecast is looking like another drop in temps, so this should easily get us to the end of the current fishing season. The majority of waterbodies close to fishing on March 31 except for a few waterbodies and stocked trout ponds.

Fishing Report

Perch laying on Ice

The majority of fish have moved on from their normal wintering grounds. The perch are starting to move into the shallows to gear up for spawn, and the pike and walleye are following them as they feed heavily on the perch population. There are still a few jumbo perch hanging around in the deeps, but the main schools seem to have gone shallow. The perch are feeding well, fattening up nicely, and those vibrant orange colors are starting to show on their underbellies. You can catch a few whitefish and jumbo perch in the deep water around 25’, but if there is no luck there, I would suggest moving to the 12’ and under in the shallower bays.


BB1 Tipped with Waxworms

The Magz BB1 tipped with 6-8 maggots is working well on the perch and whitefish. I have been smashing my baits into the mud and slowly raising up to entice bites from the perch. While fishing for perch in 25’, I have noticed marks in the middle of the water column. These are whitefish and bringing your perch baits up to them can sometimes entice a bite, but they are finicky.

The pike and walleye bite has slowed down, but there are still plenty to be had. Using a Magz BB3 tipped with a minnow or tube can usually convince them to bite, but if they are being shy, your best bet is to downsize to a BB2. A smaller presentation can most times entice a bite from those finicky fish out there.

From the Author: 

The season is running short, so be sure to get out and fill those walleye tags before the season runs out! Good luck and tight lines!

Tyler Baker Pro Staffer with a Jumbo perch in Alberta

Tyler Baker

Alberta, Canada

Magz Pro Staff

IG: @wild_outdoor_obsession


  • Mark

    I’m 72 years old. As a retired wildlife artist my wife and I have traveled bush roads and logging roads all over Canada and the US. We like to ketch a couple off small perch to eat with few people camping in the same area. Might you suggest a small lake or small river somewhere north of Edmonton as far as the NWT. We sleep in our 4Runner and use a canoe. Thank you. If not we’ll go NWT, but our god son lives there and says it to is getting over run. Have a good summer.

  • Shannon Rideout

    I’ll be sure to try your tips. Thanks for the report and keep us posted!

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